The day of MacDonald Farm’s Annual Picnic starts out sunny and bright, but now the rain is pouring down in soaking torrents. Still, farm spirit shines, so even though the football field is flooding, the two Tug-of-War teams assemble at the appointed time at the goal line, in front of Paddington Theodore Wack, the newly elected mayor. One side’s captain is Mick the Moose and the other side’s captain is Bill the Bull. Paddington tweets on his shiny silver whistle and the teams start trying to grip the plastic yellow rope as they slip and slide in the thickening muck. After about five minutes of struggle and failure, both captains approach the referee. Mick says, ‘Rope’s just slick slack, Paddy Wack, let’s blow this boggy zone.”
The MacDonald Farm’s Annual Tug-of-War is cancelled due to rain but not before team captain Mick the Moose is drenched, so he heads to his favorite pub to dry off. He takes his usual seat at the bar and orders his usual drink from the bartender: rum with water and lime juice. The bartender, Darlington Franklin Wack is a very good listener so his patrons call him The Padre. After about five minutes Mick gets a call on his cell and moves to a corner so he won’t disturb other patrons. The door opens and a stranger, also soaking wet, comes over and sits at the bar on the stool next to where Mick has been sitting. The bartender sees the stranger furtively eyeing Mick’s drink and walks over. “Belongs to Mick, mac,” says Padre Wack. “Leave the grog alone.”